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One Xbox One: Neues Preview Update veröffentlicht

Dieses Thema im Forum "Apps und Firmware" wurde erstellt von Unbekannt, 2. Aug. 2016.


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  1. [​IMG]
    Für alle Preview Teilnehmer steht seit letzter Nacht das nächste Dashboard Update mit diversen Bug fixes zum Download bereit.
    Habt Ihr das Sommer Update denn schon geladen? Wie ist eure Meinung dazu?


    OS version released: rs1_xbox_rel_1608.160730-2312
    Available: 6:00PM PDT 8/1 (1:00 AM GMT 2/8)


    • Payments & Billing
      When adding a new payment method, the „View terms“ button should now function correctly.
    • USB Keyboard
      Resolved an issue which caused the Xbox One S to fail to recognize USB keyboards after powering on.
    • Party Chat
      Resolved an issue which could cause party chat to crash when using the Kinect.

    • My Games & Apps
      • If a universal app version of an app is available, the version which is not currently installed may appear under Ready to Install (causing what appears to be the same app both installed and in Ready to Install).
      • You may encounter an an installation error (0x800700002) when attempting to install or update universal apps.
      Workaround: Uninstall and reinstall the app. If you have the app installed on both the internal hard drive and an external hard drive, be sure to uninstall from both.
    • Pins
      If you have pins on your Home to movies, TV shows, or music, they will disappear from Home. The pins for the apps will stay on your Home, easy to get to.

    Unbekannt Moderator

    Registriert seit:
    3. Nov. 2014
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    Bull und Sebastian W. gefällt das.
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