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One 4 FIFA 17: Zweites Title-Update veröffentlicht

Dieses Thema im Forum "FIFA" wurde erstellt von Markus S., 17. Nov. 2016.


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  1. OnePS4 FIFA 17
    Sport 2016-09-29 Electronic Arts EA Sports Jetzt bestellen

    EASports hat das zweite Title-Update für FIFA 17 veröffentlicht. Neben dem Synchonisationsupdate für The Journey (wir berichteten) erwarten euch unter anderem Verbesserungen an den Spielergesichtern. Auch die Stabilität des FIFA Ultimate Team Modus wurde optimiert.

    Visual / Presentation changes:
    • Several new or updated player faces rendered for accurate character likeness.
    • General overlay adjustments.
    • Addressed an issue where the selected kit isn't the one used in-game.
    • Addressed frame-rate issue during pre-match skill game.
    • Spanish crowds now use the authentic audio when reacting to a goal.
    • Black custom kits no longer clash with referee kits.

    Addressed the following in Pro Clubs:

    • The flair trait is now available for all Pros.
    • Carrying over your Virtual Pro from FIFA 16 now correctly unlocks all passive traits.
    • An issue where players could receive excessive skill points.

    In The Journey:
    • Localized audio and character speech for the following: German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Mexican Spanish.
    • Various presentation improvements.

    Addressed the following in FIFA Ultimate Team:
    • General stability fixes in FIFA Ultimate Team and other online game modes.

    Quelle: EASports
    Der Pate und Sebastian W. gefällt das.
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